Calcutta ByLENS!

Welcome to “Calcutta ByLENS!”—a photographic journey through the vibrant and timeless world of Kolkata, curated by Soumya Shankar Ghosal. This gallery features 50 captivating images that uniquely capture the essence of this magnificent city. Over the years, Soumya has explored Kolkata’s bustling streets, serene ghats, and hidden alleys, each time seeking to encapsulate the city’s soul through his lens.

Every photograph in this collection tells a story and freezes a moment in time, inviting you to delve into its intricate details and vivid colors. Click on any image to see a larger view and immerse yourself in the historical landmarks, daily life, and rich tapestry that define Kolkata.

Thank you for visiting “Calcutta ByLENS!” Soumya humbly hopes that these images bring you joy, evoke emotions, and provide a deeper appreciation of Kolkata’s charm and character. Enjoy your journey through this visual ode to the City of Joy.